BalkanStoryMap, a story map collection

BalkanStoryMap is a platform that collects and presents stories about the Balkans through curated storymaps. These storymaps integrate interactive maps, narratives, images, multimedia elements, and a dedicated archive.

We start with the idea that every place has a story. From there, we delve into the layers of storytelling within these physical spaces. By connecting the past with the present, we explore the social processes that shape these spaces and uncover insights relevant to today’s challenges. 

Here, you’ll get to explore the results of our work, while the process behind it unfolds in the background. This involves supporting cross-border collaboration, research fellowships, mentorship programs, and multidisciplinary co-production as we transform BalkanStoryMap into a dynamic co-creative platform. With our work we want to emphasizes preserving cultural heritage, capturing untold stories, and highlighting architectural gems whose stories are often sidelined.

Think of this platform as both a keeper of these stories and a starting point for the conversations and explorations. 

BalkanStoryMap welcomes contributions and invites you to join us in this journey—whether by sharing your own stories, participating in research, or exploring ideas together.

BalkanStoryMap is part of the "Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans'' program, funded by the European Union. BalkanStoryMap is one of the projects selected for funding by the Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans project under the thematic window Artistic Co-productions.

Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans (CC4WBs) is a project funded by the European Union that aims to foster dialogue in the Western Balkans by enhancing the cultural and creative sectors for increased socio-economic impact.