Call for Participants: The BalkanStoryMap Fellowship Programme (Closed)

We are happy to announce the start of the application process for the BalkanStoryMap Fellowship Programme. We warmly welcome storytellers from Kosova and Montenegro to be a part of our cross-country collaborative initiative.

Our Storytelling Fellowship will bring together ten practitioners from across disciplines and industries to work on the first story map that will be featured in the BalkanStoryMap digital platform. We will support our fellows with mentorship, story-editing, applied learning workshops, and a total stipend of 600 Euros per person. The program will feature lectures and presentations by distinguished professionals from the region.

Fellowship Schedule

April 2024 - July 2024

4-day intensive workshop: (05-08 April, Podgorica, 2024) 

3 months of mentored research

4-day intensive workshop: (05-08 July, Prishtina, 2024) 

BalkanStoryMap Fellowship 2024 BalkanStoryMap Fellowship 2025


The housing crisis is the topic of our era, from a shortage of affordable houses to unlivable housing conditions. Transition and the neoliberal economy in the Balkans have left many in an uncertain position regarding their housing.Through Housing+, we intend ...

BalkanStoryMap fellowship programme

The fellowship offers an applied practical four-month programme set between Podgorica and Prishtina. It is supported by workshop-based learning and mentorship around research and creative storytelling. It seeks to stimulate the development of regional content and circulation with a focus ...

The fellows

We welcome Fellows from a broad range of backgrounds. You may be a practitioner in urban planning,  architecture, sociology, anthropology, journalism, or even documentary, as long as you have some experience with research and writing. You don’t have to be working ...